Go Friends informational posts

Go Friends Director

Our Go Friends Mission is asking Jesus for our next Director, so that Go Friends may launch its next decade of service. Our new Go Friends Director must have a love for children and a joy for how Jesus is eager to meet them, love them and get to know them. The new Director must have mature organizational skills to effectively manage returning and new volunteers. The new Director must be able to effectively manage the tried-and-true process that is already in place for planning the program and seeing it through. A new person needs to be in place not later than June 1, if possible. If you would be interested in serving as Go Friends Director, you may contact Pastor Doug or the Church Office at firstumc3@frontier.com or call 304.258.2766.

Rice Bowl Challenge

Go Friends Families along with FUMC Youth families are participating in ” Rice Bowls Challenge Fill a Bowl, Feed a Child”. The families will take a “rice bowl” bank home and then they have from November 1 till November 29 to fill it up. The banks will be returned and broken to tally up their amounts. We would like the church family to join in the challenge, so I will have a large bank placed in the sanctuary for you to drop any loose change you have. We will see how many children we can feed with our collected efforts. If you would like to read more about this go to WWW.RICEBOWLS.org or contact the church office 304.258.2766. THE CHALLENGE IS ON !!!!!!!!!!

Go Friends Helpers

Go Friends has been furnishing meals for one of our families on Thursdays whose mom is battling cancer. This year she is unable to cook or bake for her family. We would like to involve the church in this outreach. If we get more than one meal on Thursdays, they can use it for another day. If you are interested, please contact Bonnie Weber or the church office. Thank you so much for your support through the years.

Go Friends Training Date

Adult leader training for new volunteers, and subs, Thursday September 14 @ 1:00 PM. If anyone cannot make that date come on September 21 @
1:00 PM.
Adult Go Friends training and fellowship Thursday, September 21 @ 1:00-3:00 pm and Youth Go Friends training September 21 @ 3:15–5:00 pm in the Social Hall. If anyone cannot make this date, please contact Bonnie Weber bonnierweber@gmail.com. Thank you so much for the great response we’ve had.

Website Notice

Due to Server Issues confirmation emails will not be sent from the Website for some time. If you fill out any forms and do not receive confirmation, this does not mean you did not get processed. The problem will hopefully be resolved shortly.