Office Manager

Tent Ministry Outreach

Tent Ministry Outreach will begin in June. Anyone who would like to help grill, setup, and participate in this ministry in any way may contact Mark Cowles at 202.480.1011 or e-mail him Food Handlers class will be held June 13, 9 – 11 AM at the Old Hospital in the ER section. At least one person with the food handlers card needs to be present when food is being served including the Tent Ministry events.

VBS 2019

The VBS schedule for 2019 is as follows:
July 11 @ Berkeley Springs Town Park, 5:30 – 8:00 PM
July 18 @ The Blue, 5:30 – 8:00 PM
July 25 @ Cacapon State Park, 5:30 – 8:00 PM
August 1 @ Berkeley Springs Town Park, 5:30 – 8:00 PM
We are still needing VBS helpers. If you can help at some or all of the sessions please contact the Church Office 304.258.2766.

Go Friends Director

Our Go Friends Mission is asking Jesus for our next Director, so that Go Friends may launch its next decade of service. Our new Go Friends Director must have a love for children and a joy for how Jesus is eager to meet them, love them and get to know them. The new Director must have mature organizational skills to effectively manage returning and new volunteers. The new Director must be able to effectively manage the tried-and-true process that is already in place for planning the program and seeing it through. A new person needs to be in place not later than June 1, if possible. If you would be interested in serving as Go Friends Director, you may contact Pastor Doug or the Church Office at or call 304.258.2766.

VBS 2019

VBS is back!!! VBS for FUMC is currently being planned and we are in need of volunteers. VBS dates are Thursdays July 11; July 18; July 25 and August 1, each night beginning at 5:30 PM til 8:00 PM. Each night will be at a different location around town with varying activities each night. We need volunteer helpers for activities, games, worship message, food prep, registration and people to help guide attendees to the stations during VBS. There will also be a need for helpers to setup and clean up after VBS. If you can help, please contact Kim Rightnour at or the Church Office 304.258.2766.

Melvin C. & Iva Lee McBee Memorial Scholarship Fund

This scholarship was established in 2007 and since then has benefited and encouraged many of our FUMC youth (more than 70!) as they have started college. Please prayerfully consider making a donation to the scholarship fund, so FUMC can continue to meet the needs of this special ministry. Checks may be made to First UMC, with “Scholarship Fund” on the memo line. You may want to consider giving in honor or memory of someone.